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Faith is where we place our hearts.

In the waning hours of September’s eleventh day, 2001, the helplessness that shrouded our existence clenched my heart and soul, determined to wring out any defiant shreds of hope that dared to remain. All that I had come to believe to be vital, if not necessary, had been eviscerated along with all that used to be, down there, along the southern tip of Manhattan.
I wished I could make it rain Faith Drops, everywhere, if only for one minute.
And so, “Into the Fire” was born-
I will be forever grateful.

We navigated through the minefield of advisors who told us to “head north” and instead held true to our intention. We would shoot this in New York after all, because She WAS my leading lady…and She did not disappoint.

Thank you for the two years of fearful executives, each shaking their heads while creating a negative connotation for the word  “ambitious.”
Thank you for the blackout during casting with a room full of 9 year old girls and their dutiful mothers (Note to self: the buddy system works).
Thank you for Hurricane Isabelle, whom we looked dead in the eye as she formed and gathered steam, scheduled to hit the eastern seaboard just in time for the first day of production.
And, least I forget, for the Saharan sandstorm that freezing evening on the boardwalk of Coney Island, just in time for the most dramatic dialogue…thank you. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
As for the 114 craftsmen and women who were individually selected to do justice to this story…who were just crazy enough to join me on this journey, I live and breathe in awe at your passion and talent.  I will carry each of you with me forever. Thank you all.

Make no mistake: this picture represents all that is right about independent film.
Inasmuch as it is a journey of the heart, it is also a hope story…one which comes intentionally at a time when all that is hopeful lives under constant fire.  In such times, performances such as these are the fearlessness and courage that have the power to affect change…maybe even create the meteorological wonder that is a  faith blasted thundershower. 

The collective “We” that represents my cast and crew, now have the honor and duty to set her free. This freedom is in our nature and I know now, more than ever, that our future is filled with hope, not certainty…and this hope lives in our hearts, every day.  Where you place it is up to you.

These characters stood by me in dark times during my journey…
I only hope they can be there for yours.

Michael C. Phelan
Los Angeles, 2004


INTO THE FIRE Copyright 2004 Michael Phelan, All Rights Reserved
Website Design and Content Copyright 2004 Michael Phelan, All Rights Reserved
Website Design by TheCelestrian